Confidence – Believing in yourself that you can achieve
Everyone involved within Team Active shares our values, vision and educational ethos.
We want to help create a positive impact for you, be it your journey as an individual, a parent, your child’s journey, or your career if you choose to join the Active Sports Group.
Confidence – Believing in yourself that you can achieve
Healthy - We recognise the importance of children leading active and healthy lifestyles.
Inclusive - Our team is trained to make sure that everyone is involved and made to feel welcome.
Growth – Viewing challenges as opportunities we encourage progression. Praising efforts, being positive and believing you can become the best version of you!
Resilience – To create resilient individuals who always try their hardest and never give up
Fun – We believe children and adults who enjoy themselves and have fun, will learn more and want to keep taking part.
Get access to the latest Active Sport news, including upcoming multi-sport activities, birthday parties, holiday camps, football leagues, courses and special offers.
Fun, Healthy, Inclusive